Dedicated to reducing carbon emissions & tackling climate change.

Working with Local Authorities, Installers, Developers, Homeowners and Landlords


Dedicated to reducing carbon emissions & tackling climate change.

Working with Local Authorities, Installers, Developers, Homeowners and Landlords

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Over 10 years experience in the Energy Efficiency Sector…

EEC pride themselves on their retrofit and energy services working with Local authorities, Installers, Developers, Homeowners and Landlords to reduce emissions and contribute toward the UK’s net-zero pledges.

Their accredited commercial and domestic energy assessors and PAS 2035 retrofit coordinators offer EPCs, retrofitting services and knowledge and support for energy efficiency measures and changing behaviours towards energy saving.

EEC provide in-depth reporting and energy modelling for residential and commercial properties allowing customers to make informed decisions that reduce energy consumption, costs and emissions.

The challenge.

EEC was rebranding from MGDA and needed to bring consistency to all marketing and digital assets in line with the new brand.

This included a new website with engagement opportunities on every page and clear user journeys for their different leads and customers.

To drive traffic to their new website, EEC needed consistent social media marketing in line with the new brand to raise awareness and position them as thought leaders within the energy efficiency industry.

EEC Homepage
EEC User Journey
EEC Thought Leader Content

Our approach.

Divi-powered WordPress Website.
A simple, clean WordPress website with clear CTA’s and contact form across all pages for easy engagement. Service pages categorised based on users and the information they need to see individually.

Social Media feed for new Homepage.
Facebook feed on the new homepage with live updates to reinforce EEC’s position as a thought leader within the energy efficiency industry.

Linkedin Social Media Marketing targeting Local Authorities, EEM Installers and Developers.
Utilising Linkedin to target specific commercial and professional audiences with clear, consistent and relevant content.

Facebook Social Media marketing targeting Homeowners and Landlords.
Utilising Facebook to target Homeowners and Landlords with clear, consistent and relevant content.


The result.

Doubled website traffic in the first 6 months.
30% increase in Facebook Followers.
Achieved a 90% increase in average weekly Facebook post engagement.
40% increase in LinkedIn followers.
Achieved a 22% increase in average weekly Linkedin post engagement.
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EEC Social Media Content 1
EEC Social Media Content 2
EEC Social Media Content 3

Like what you see?
Talk to one of our digital marketing specialists today. 

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Like what you see?
Talk to one of our digital marketing specialists today.